Welcome to JS Naturopathy & The Nourished Family.
Hi there and welcome to JS Naturopathy and The Nourished Family blog!
I am so happy that you have joined me here today. Now let me introduce myself.
Hi I'm Jemma, a qualified Naturopath and mother of 2 young girls, with a passion for supporting change in households that support your’s and your children's health through practicable doable everyday changes to boost health and wellbeing.
I started my own practice in 2021 and through all the ups and downs that have come with covid throughout the world. This period really was/is very interesting as it has been very stressful for the majority of us be that through the unknown or covid or the juggle of work or suddenly having children at home, trying to become a teacher for your children and juggling being stuck at home and work or just being a parent that was constantly on. In all honesty I did not also cope very well at the time, as we are all human right!
But this inspired me to look at supporting families on their health journeys, with my training and knowledge as a degree qualified naturopath, as what we teach and expose our children to has a huge effect on their health and wellbeing now and in the future.
But let's be honest, looking after ourselves can be hard work a lot of the time, such as setting good boundaries around work, maintaining a healthy diet, getting in exercise, and looking after our mental health. Then pop on top of that having a family and young children that need you for pretty much everything! You are suddenly the taxi driver, cleaner, cook, personal assistant, nurse and much much more to more than just you and this can be overwhelming at times.
So my passion is to help support parents also to look after themselves so they can thrive and be the best parents possible! Asd we all fall down and each time we learn something new. So let me support you through your journey and your families.
If you haven’t already jumped online and follow me on instagram or join “The Nourished Family” FB group for regular health and wellbeing inspiration.
Love Jemma xox